Registration Date: 01.01.1970
Sorry but I posted my last post in the wrong topic (under feature request - please delete that post). But here is my initial request.
I have my cell phone number blacklisted by another account. It has been deleted by your system. That account was another one I created for a friend, but for some reason, the day I create it, it was created in the datacenter www1. So I couldn't create any trunk or change the personal information because it was not under www4. Even trying to change from www1 to www4 was not possible.
So then I created another account for my friend, and that one got properly created under www4, so we were able to create trunks and extension. Then we got an email regarding the second account that it will deleted after some day because of duplicate account with the same email. So we couldn't reach anyone at I-P-Tel, and the second account got deleted. Now my cell phone number is blacklisted with that second account, and also we cannot remove the trunk that was created in.
My request is as follow: please delete the trunk that is created in that second account, and also remove my cell phone number from the blacklisted list.
Please pm me for the accounts name. Thank you,
28.04.2011 04:19 |