Talk:Mobile Extensions

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To be able to get voicemail as email you must change format in "Source >>" to "format=ogg|wav49".

What does that mean? where do i have to change source? on my android phone? or in pbxes?

[edit] Psiloc Connect

I've not had much success using Psiloc Connect to manage the connection on my N95 - often, it seems not to connect, or only partially gets there - the "Internet Phone" icon doesn't show.

Using Birdstep SmartConnect always only partially connects, and I haven't found any other connection managers for the N95 that are any use at all for this scenario.

I can quite happily connect to pbxes over both WiFi and 3G - but I was hoping to get the Android-like behaviour of switching between them.

Has anyone had any success overcoming this limitation of the N95?

[edit] Support for Windows phone incoming call

On windows phone there are some SIP apps, but since windows phone does not support applications running in the background , Incomming SIP will not be supported if the application is not waken up by a push notification. Zoiper as one of the SIP app provider has a solution for this, but this then needs to be supported by the PBX ( or by a SIP outbound proxy. I leave it up to to decide upon the best recommendation for this. The Zoiper solution is more described here:

Windows phone native SIP support are more described here: