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Thread: call recording

Replies: 2
Views: 9327

RE: call recording 07.03.2024 17:45 Forum: Queues, Digital Receptionist, Faxmail, Voicemail and Ring Groups


Thread: call recording

Replies: 2
Views: 9327

call recording 04.03.2024 11:45 Forum: Queues, Digital Receptionist, Faxmail, Voicemail and Ring Groups

Hello Call recording quality is very low. I am using an extension for making phone interviews for a podcast. is there any way to have pcm or hd call recording?

Thread: system down many errors occurring

Replies: 1
Views: 5102

Achtung system down many errors occurring 07.05.2021 10:48 Forum: Bugs

1) callers are disconnected
2) can't call (busy)
3) can't upload recordings (you have no permission to edit config.php error)
4) can't open paid support ticket: you have no permission to edit config.php error
please help!

Thread: day service inverted with night service

Replies: 0
Views: 8251

day service inverted with night service 13.11.2019 19:36 Forum: Queues, Digital Receptionist, Faxmail, Voicemail and Ring Groups

this is the setup of an incoming route:
900 day hours 8.00-19.00 days *
night hours queue 901

all the calls still go to the opposite route and the extensions are busy from the log but they ring: if I reply to the call I gear the announcement of the queue that is supposed to be heard by the caller, not by the operator that answer the call. Any Idea of what is the problem?

Thread: Outbound routes not respected.

Replies: 1
Views: 20688

Outbound routes not respected. 13.11.2019 19:32 Forum: Queues, Digital Receptionist, Faxmail, Voicemail and Ring Groups

Can anybody please tell me why, when creating an outbound route and specifying an order of trunks the order is not respected.
The route was created correctly by the official admin of PBXes (for 70 euro fee).
What can cause the calling order not to be respected?

Thread: G729 channels disappeard

Replies: 1
Views: 3499

G729 channels disappeard 31.12.2018 14:09 Forum: Bugs

on Dec 20 I registered for 16 G729 channels, now on Dec 31st they are all gone. What happend? I need them back!

Thread: call using cellphone

Replies: 0
Views: 5779

call using cellphone 28.08.2010 08:15 Forum: Miscellaneous

I can't use voip on my iphone and need to record calls.
There is a way to call one of MY registred accounts on pbxes and from it call the desired number I want to record? I try to call an extension, put the call on hold, call the number and transfer the call on hold to the called number... but this needs a person doing it from a voip phone..... is there a way to access directly from outside?

Thread: RE: Accont Offline

Replies: 3
Views: 11798

RE: Accont Offline 22.09.2008 20:38 Forum: Bugs

Thanks, I keep the support minutes if I need them in the future.

Thread: RE: Accont Offline

Replies: 3
Views: 11798

traurig Accont Offline 22.09.2008 07:11 Forum: Bugs

Hallo, this morning all my 17 extensions were offline (4 different locations with different equipment and providers).

I went to the control panel and click on "status", got this message:

"Can't connect, try to re login and if this dose not help click submit and start in personal data" (something like this)

I did it and some of my extension went back online. Not all of them!

IS something going on?

something is going on with this account, I can't receive calls. Are dropped by th pbx !

I also cannot make internal calls between extension they are not busy and in the stuatus they look fine but if you call you have busy signal. Nothing is working here. It is NOT a router connectivity problem, the same ahppends in 4 different locations with different equipment and providers.

In august I spent 150 in assistance to have my account moved to another server for exactly the same problem.

I can't spend 150 euros a month!

Please solve it! We did nothing, I have again 3 officers offline

Thread: RE: No audio - Calling back works

Replies: 25
Views: 63099

RE: No audio - Calling back works 06.08.2008 14:30 Forum: Terminal Equipment

Strange thing. Ok.
Now is 100% working. problem solved

Thread: RE: No audio - Calling back works

Replies: 25
Views: 63099

RE: No audio - Calling back works 06.08.2008 14:23 Forum: Terminal Equipment

Eutelia works fine. Try to take one of my trunks, unregister it from the pbx (take 0584xxx76) and use it on eyebeam:

This is what you get;
eutelia to landline or mobile --> OK
eutelia to eutelia on pbxes --> extension --> OK

now if you do:
extension on pbxes --- > eutelia ON pbxes = fail !!!!!!!!
extension on pbxes --- > eutelia = OK

(the call is always made with eutelia trunks)

However now the problem is solved... did you do anything?

Thread: RE: No audio - Calling back works

Replies: 25
Views: 63099

RE: No audio - Calling back works 06.08.2008 13:08 Forum: Terminal Equipment

Now it seems to work fine except for the fact that if I call my own trunks from one of my extensions I get immediately "serivce unavailable".
Just If I call my trunks not other numbers, but If I call my trunks from a number outside the pbx they work

so for example:
711 calls xxxx193 --- service unavailable
711 calls landline or mobile outside the pbx ---> OK
landline or mobile outside the pbx calls xxxx193 ---> OK
landline or mobile outside the pbx calls xxxx193 ok PBX --->service unavailable

this with all trunks

Thread: RE: No audio - Calling back works

Replies: 25
Views: 63099

Pbxes Drops The Line 05.08.2008 22:25 Forum: Terminal Equipment

Did some tests:
from 701 and 702 internal calls are fine
701 and 702 call 284 and 285 same problem of yesterday
+ situation went worst after the move on the new server:
yesteterday: got the external incoming calls with no audio
today: you call on eof our numbers and the call is just disconnected.
we are isolatedexample can be seen at system log Today 10.46.xx

I really need to solve this. From yesterday and the move of server the situation is worst. The routers are fine as they were before beacuse with oputer providers all works fine. Please have a close look on your service and try to call one of our trunks to have proof of the fact that the problems is just on the pbx.

call-> line dropped by pbx


I checked if something was lost while you moved the server and saw that the *** from the day service were gone.
1) 711 calls XXXXX6193 (night service) ---> PBX gives the correct option, voicemail and audio is fine
2) 711 calls XXXXX6193 (forced day service) ----> PBX drops the line instead of sending the call to a ring group
so call-> line dropped by pbx

if I set to send the call to a digital receptionist and then choose the extension the call works and is received

call to XXXXX6193 ---> digital receptionist ---> 1 ---> ext 702

but if
call to XXXXX6193 ---> ring group ---> call dropped

If I erase a group and re create it from the begninning with different number sometimes the problem is solved, however I still can't call 284 from 711 and if I call with 711 my own trunk ...193 I get service unavailable

This account is completeli messed up. What about erasing is and changing username?
If you activate me a new account, Ill transfer all I have here in the new, then you erase the old. can be a solution?

Thread: RE: No audio - Calling back works

Replies: 25
Views: 63099

RE: No audio - Calling back works 05.08.2008 21:56 Forum: Terminal Equipment

This sounds odd, after 1 year or perfect activity, 4 routers in 4 different cities with different providers have the exact same problem?

This morning afternoon we rebooted telephones and routers and the problem was there also before the first minute or registration, look ah logs or today ah about 15.00

Anyway I don't want ho discuss this,tomorrow i' il ask ho do some tests and let you know if is fixed

Thread: RE: No audio - Calling back works

Replies: 25
Views: 63099

RE: No audio 05.08.2008 20:53 Forum: Terminal Equipment

1) correct

2) tomorrow morning, Europe time I will ask to do some tests over extension 708, 284, 285, 286,707, 702, 701 and so I will be able to give you a better answer and log details.

I will ask to do the following:
a) unplug and unregister the phone
b) re register the phone
c) make an echo test *43 - hang up
d) wait for a phone call and hope to hear something


Thread: RE: No audio - Calling back works

Replies: 25
Views: 63099

RE: No audio 05.08.2008 19:30 Forum: Terminal Equipment

Now I can't register with any extension. I try pbxrs.org and all the IP of www0-Frankfurt, www1-Nuernberg-Alt , www2-San-Diego, www3-Nuernberg-Cnt , www4-New-York

NO way: registration error 408 Request timeout

To answer the other questions:
Normally you did: X calls Y - no audio. Y calls back X - works.
Now please try: Y calls *43 echo test. X calls Y. Does this always work?
No, however echo is always workink from all extensions. The propblems are JUST on INcomings calls

the big problem is that now that you moved me I cant get registred with any extension

you write:
The logs of aug 5 17:55-17:56 indicate these because extension 284 does not report ringing nor answer.

284 rings but on 711 (caller) there is just silence.
284 answer and 711 stille hear silence

another crazy thing:
I log out from the web interface and re login:
my borwser is blobked on a white page, this happends in an ethernal loop:

so I can't login in my account, I get blanck redirection pages from www1 to www3 and back to 1 to 3 to 1

UPDATE 20.30:

Empty the broweser cache, try with Firefox PC and Mac, Camino, Safari PC and mac and from a computer I Never used before to access PBXes. Always the same problem!
as I try to login:
www3 to www1 and back www3 in an infinite loop.

My extensions are not registred!

UPDATE 20.45:
went on http://www1.pbxes.com and http://www1.pbxes.com
try to login
in this case I was redirected to

but if i enter from
is still get the infinite loop

got 1 extension registred, just one

UPDATE 4: 20.51
The flash panel is not working, shows all extensions registred but they are not. I am not on server www3 but still on www1

UPDATE 5: 20.59
Now from all the www 1,2,3,4,5 I get redirected to www1 and the login is corret.
So is sure, I'm on the www1 server.

last update:

I STILL have the problem

Thread: RE: No audio - Calling back works

Replies: 25
Views: 63099

RE: CM5K GSM Gateway / Codec problems 05.08.2008 16:55 Forum: Terminal Equipment

I don't have a gsm gateway on 701.
Extension 701 it was a IP301 phone, now works only because I configured eyebeam uninstalling all codecs except g711

I enabled the mobile option on 284, a Grandstream BT 200, still not working.
(note that this phone as the ip301 in different locations had been working perfectly till sunday)

711 calls 284
711 hears silence just silence
the flash status panel shows red 722 and green 284
284 hears the telephone ringing and pick up
284 hears silence
711 still hears silence
284 calls 711
711 answer and the call is perfect
711 still has the previous call TO 284 on the other line: silence

you can see this on the log of aug 5 17:55-17:56

Thread: RE: No audio - Calling back works

Replies: 25
Views: 63099

RE: CM5K GSM Gateway - No audio 05.08.2008 14:06 Forum: Terminal Equipment

Ok, I'm editing this post exactly as the paid support asked me to do.

the problem was solved but is not!

I have normal operativity if I use eyebeam with just the g711 codecs enabled.

If I use the grandsream, linksys, ip301 phones I can Call but I receive calls with no audio.

Again: we did nothing on the phones and on the network. I started to experinece this problem sunday all at the same time and in different locations. I don't know the reason.

The mobile option suggestion you gave: incorrect.
I try to select mobile option and connection check and if I call the extension with this enabled I get 1 ring and the message: "trying to reach extension, hold on...." even if it is perfectly online and without option enabled works fine.

Thread: RE: No audio - Calling back works

Replies: 25
Views: 63099

RE: CM5K GSM Gateway - No audio 05.08.2008 13:33 Forum: Terminal Equipment

get no audio. The only way I make have a service wotking is not to use voip phones but just use eyebeam with onlt g711u installed, this is something I can do only on my laptop.

Now the situation is critical, also my extension 708 and 707 are not working. Maybe the problme was also yesterday but that people were in vacation so I didn't know.

please help me to resolve this mess.

The I really dislike the fact that you moved this discussion to terminal equipment. This is not a terminal equipment issue IT IS a problem of your server, beacuse affects all my equipment in 6 different locations all at the same time when it was working perfectly.

This people of PBX charged me euro 30. in personal support, and wrote that the problem is solved, but NOTHING have been done.

The situation getting worst and worst ever:
711 calls 701, get 1 second (or less) of audio, then I hear a sort of click and lose the audio.
701 calls 711 (the only working with eyebeam) and I get echo + a lot of noise like in old analog lines.

I can't post the log because yoy restricted the post lenght, so go and look for it by your self Aug 5 14:37 to Aug 5 14:38

Thread: RE: No audio - Calling back works

Replies: 25
Views: 63099

RE: CM5K GSM Gateway - No audio 04.08.2008 21:14 Forum: Terminal Equipment

Yes, I also suspect that the codecs are messed up but I did any change on the telephones.
All these extensions are in different cities and in different breanches of my offices, there is also different equipment (eyebeam, IP301, linksys, grandsteram BT200).
Nothing was changed or messed up neither on the phones or the networks...

Ext 711 works beacuse i forced it to use g711u. If I go for ILBC I have the same problem of the other extensions or the voice is interruped like in low bad cases even if there is plenty of bandwith.

It looks like the PBX is not able to negociate the corret codec for incoming calls. ON Eyebeam I can solve uninstalling all the other codecs but on the other devices I can't.

It is obviously a a problem of codec assignment on the server.

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