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Thread: Google Voice as SIP Provider

Replies: 99
Views: 211832

RE: Google Voice as SIP Provider 09.03.2019 04:29 Forum: News

Same here. I have 2 GV trunks. Both inbound and outbound are not working since Friday afternoon.

Thread: Google Voice as SIP Provider

Replies: 99
Views: 211832

RE: Google Voice as SIP Provider 22.09.2018 10:29 Forum: News

I have 2 GV-trunks and tried both: Both are the same: After about 15 to 25 seconds the calls are automatically aborted. Something must be wrong.

Calls at 09-22-18 at 11:22:42, 09-21-18 18:28:07 and all the calls before on 09-21 and 09-20 without the busy indication.

Thread: Google Voice as SIP Provider

Replies: 99
Views: 211832

RE: Google Voice as SIP Provider 20.09.2018 21:15 Forum: News

Today, my Google Voice calls terminated automatically after about 15 seconds. I had to re dial several times but a real conversation was not possible because all the calls had been limited to 15 seconds.

I tried a submit and start but it did not change the situation.

Thread: Google Voice as SIP Provider

Replies: 99
Views: 211832

RE: Google Voice as SIP Provider 12.09.2018 09:50 Forum: News

It looks like that our Google Voice trunks are now working fine since some time. Thank you for solving the problems after the GV protocol change and getting everything running again!

Thread: Google Voice as SIP Provider

Replies: 99
Views: 211832

RE: Google Voice as SIP Provider 18.08.2018 14:02 Forum: News

Yesterday, 08-17, I did some successful calls with the GV trunk. Also inbound worked fine.

Today, from 08-18 14:07:54 until 14:53:17 I tried to call via the GV trunks with no success.

08-18 15:07:39 worked fine again. I did not change anything. As always, the IP in the call monitor shows xxxx/pbxes.org The calls with no success did not show the xxx/pbxes org. Just xxxx

Thread: Google Voice as SIP Provider

Replies: 99
Views: 211832

RE: Google Voice as SIP Provider 16.08.2018 21:16 Forum: News

Today, I did some more GV calls.

The first few worked great between 08-16 18:59:41 and 20:30:47

Thereafter only failed GV calls between 22:01:40 and 22:10:45

And again: The good calls showed in the call monitor an ip ending with /pbxes.org ( ip-xxxxxx130.hsi05.xxxxxgroup.xx/pbxes.org )

The bad calls did not show the /pbxes.org at the end of the ip-address.

Thread: Google Voice as SIP Provider

Replies: 99
Views: 211832

RE: Google Voice as SIP Provider 15.08.2018 13:07 Forum: News

Upadate again:

tried several calls on 08-15 between 2007:32 and 20:17. No one got through. Used both GV trunks.

Same as before: In the sysem log it shows not as IP /pbxes org. All calls that showed my IP xxx/pbxes org go through. The others not.

One Call at 08_15 15:11:42 worked fine


I did more calls betwwen 1500:23 and 15:06:53 on 08-15 using 2 different GV trunks. All did not went through.

Today, I did some more testcalls:

Some worked but

08-15 1357:33 and 13:55:54 did not work.

Incoming GV call at 1352:00 got to the voice menu and automatically from there to call group with several phones. I tried to answer at 202, a cellphone in wifi network with sipdroid. The pbx did not recognize that I answered and finally the call went back to the GV voicemail instead of staying in the pbx.

I observed the same situation before: On internal calls, the sipdroid cellphone answers with no problems. Also on calls via "normal" SIP-provider sipgate. But when I use this phone to answer a GV-call, it is not recognized, that I answered the call.

Thread: Google Voice as SIP Provider

Replies: 99
Views: 211832

RE: Google Voice as SIP Provider 14.08.2018 12:49 Forum: News

The call at 2018-08-14 23:03:38 was ok.
The call at 2018-08-14 22:57:45 did not connect at all.

The call 2018-08-14 21:03:55 connected fine but automatically terminated by itself 16 seconds later during our voice conversation. I tried to recall the number several times with no success.

The call at 14.8. 13:41:26 secondes failed.

The call at 14.8. 13:45:14 seconds worked fine.

As stated before: The outgoing call which connected to the destination, showed ip-1xx6-198xxxxxxxx/pbxes.org. The other just showed ip-1xx6 xxxx without the /pbxes.org

I did not change anything in the setup. Just dialed a second time after a few minutes.

Thread: Google Voice as SIP Provider

Replies: 99
Views: 211832

RE: Google Voice as SIP Provider 08.08.2018 09:44 Forum: News

last Update:

Again problems with both trunks. Restarted the pbx and resaved the GV trunks. Some outgoing calls are going though on one line. The other does not work at all.

The outgoing call which worked fine, showed ip-1xx6-198xxxxxxxx/pbxes.org. The others just showed ip-1xx6 xxxx without the /pbxes.org


It looks like, that both GV trunks are now working as expected!


I tried now to add the second GV trunk as instructed. It worked for a moment, But now, they both do not work continously. Incoming and outgoing has problems. What can I do?

Thread: Google Voice as SIP Provider

Replies: 99
Views: 211832

RE: Google Voice as SIP Provider 03.08.2018 16:12 Forum: News

Thank you very much for getting the GV trunks working again. After your update, it works fine!

Please let us know when www4 is updated. I have a second GV number and would like to add it again to pbxes.

Thread: Google Voice as SIP Provider

Replies: 99
Views: 211832

RE: Google Voice as SIP Provider 29.07.2018 19:16 Forum: News


After a wihile, the connection dropped again for some time

Jul 30 02:48:50 NOTICE[62417] chan_sip.c: -- Registration for GVuser@obihai.sip.google.com' timed out, trying again (Attempt #11)
Jul 30 02:48:51 VERBOSE[62417] logger.c: -- Got SIP response 603 "Rejected"


I changed the ID back to my GV.login instead of the long ID which is shown on the GV page. Since a few hours it did not drop the connection anymore.

I did the same as the people before: Deleted the old GV-line and connected GV as SIP-provider. It worked for short time. Then the connection dropped. I changed the ID from the short one to the long GV ID. It worked again for a whille. The status right now is that it works for some time and stops working for a while until it reconnects by itself.

When it works, phonecalls are great!

ul 29 19:54:15 NOTICE[62417] chan_sip.c: -- Registration for 'BIGxxx@obihai.sip.google.com' timed out, trying again (Attempt #6)
Jul 29 19:55:15 NOTICE[62417] chan_sip.c: -- Registration for 'BIGxxx@obihai.sip.google.com' timed out, trying again (Attempt #7)

It shows in between: Got SIP response 603 "Rejected"

What can I do to keep GV permanently connected?

Thread: RE: Ring Group rings extensions only one time and then only the external number

Replies: 7
Views: 16109

RE: Ring Group rings extensions only one time and then only the external number 06.06.2018 14:34 Forum: Queues, Digital Receptionist, Faxmail, Voicemail and Ring Groups

I did what you asked for: I used a different number for the call via Google Voice and had the same negative result: Internal extensions ringed one time and then only the external number. The original number I used was a US H20/ATT cellphone number. Now I tried a Tmobile cellphone number from a friend instead. As soon as the call was sent to GV, the internal extensions stopped rining. With sipgate it is different. So it looks to me that Google Voice sends a signal to the pbx that the call had been answered even if it is only ringing for a second.

Thread: RE: Ring Group rings extensions only one time and then only the external number

Replies: 7
Views: 16109

RE: Ring Group rings extensions only one time and then only the external number 05.06.2018 13:42 Forum: Queues, Digital Receptionist, Faxmail, Voicemail and Ring Groups

I used now sipgate to call an external number in parallel to the internal ip-extensions and it worked fine: The internal extensions and the external number were ringing at the same time. So it looks like that it is a problem of Google Voice. Maybe something changed in their protocol. For me it looks like that as soon as the ring has been sent to Google Voice, the ringing of the other extensions stopped. Finally they only ringed one time. Even if you took one of the extension phones fast, the call was gone. It would be great, if you can change it back to the old configuration, where the external GV-number and the internal extension ringed parallel for a while until somebody picked up the phone or the voicemail took over.

Thread: RE: Ring Group rings extensions only one time and then only the external number

Replies: 7
Views: 16109

Ring Group rings extensions only one time and then only the external number 04.06.2018 00:17 Forum: Queues, Digital Receptionist, Faxmail, Voicemail and Ring Groups

For several years, I used a ring group with a few local ip extensions and one external number. The external number was a US number , which was dialed via google voice. Setting was ring all. The internal extensions and the external phone had been ringing parallel for a while. Since a short time, the internal extensions ring only one time (with no chance to catch the call) and thereafter only the external number. I even created an own extension which is linked to the external number but this was no help. Any ideas, what has changed and how we can get the old setup back?

Thread: Rufgruppentelefone klingeln nur noch 1 Mal

Replies: 0
Views: 7859

Rufgruppentelefone klingeln nur noch 1 Mal 18.05.2018 17:21 Forum: Provider

Ich habe eine Rufgruppe angelegt, bei der interne sip Telefone und eine externe Nummer angerufen werden. Die externe Nummer ist in den USA und wird über GoogleVoice angerufen. Bisher klingelten alle Telefone inklusive des externen Telefons einige Zeit parallel, bis jemand abhebt.
Neuerdings klingeln die internen Telefone nur noch einmal und dann nur noch das externe, über Google Voice angerufene Telefon. Ein Reset hat nicht geholfen. Die Einstellung ist Ring all.
Was ist verändert worden? Hat jemand eine Lösung/Erklärung? Bitte wieder so einstellen wie vorher. Danke!

Thread: RE: Google Voice Peering

Replies: 206
Views: 1090877

RE: Google Voice Peering 06.01.2016 16:43 Forum: News

First of all thank you very much for maintaining and operating PBXEs. It is a great tool and helps very much for our communication. A happy new year to the whole pbxes-team.

I have also an issue with the incoming Google voice calls. Pbxes rings only for a short time and then sends the call back to google voice.

I would prefer that the call stays in the pbxes system and rings as long as preset in the pbxes setup and after that goes to a pbxes mailbox. Like every other trunk.

Best would be, if you could select in the pbxes google voice setup, what should happen with the call after several rings: Should it stay in the pbxes system or should it go back to google voice. And after what time will it go to google voice, if nobody answers.

When this change is not possible, the time in pbxes should be set to a way much longer time to give somebody the chance to reach a phone and answer the call before it goes back to google voice.

Right now, I found a way to keep the call in pbxes: I have sent the calls to a voice menu. This is not the best solution for me because I do not want my callers to hear that voice menu. But at the end it is better than sending them back to google voice.

Thank you for looking into my issue.

Thread: RE: Maintenance www4 / www2

Replies: 46
Views: 128090

RE: Maintenance www4 / www2 01.06.2015 10:52 Forum: News

At 11:39:30 (June, 1st) we placed another testcall from a landline to GV. Caller did not hear receptionist and was connected after a few rings to GV voicemail. Ringgroup 3 was ringing. Picked up a ringing phone and heard nothing. The testcall a few minutes before that was ok.


Again a bad testcall at 16:41:30 today. Same as at 11:39:30. Several other tests in between have also been bad. More bad than good calls.

The real problem is that the call does not stay in pbxes. Caller get connected to GV mailbox and does not hear receptionist.

According to the inbound routing, digital receptionist should pick up the call. If no input is made, call should be routed in pbxes to a ring group.

This ring group is ringing. But if you pick up the phone, you hear nothing because the caller is already on his way to the GV mailbox.

Pbxes was functioning perfectly and a great tool until the Update of the server. We did not change anything in our setup.

Still no change and not working: checked again on both GV trunks at 20:33:54 and 20:37:21 (Jun 1).

smile UPDATE June 2:
Today it worked as expected and before the server upgrade. Did you change anything in the software or so? I would like to transfer again to www4. Will it also work there or shall I stay at www2.

Thank you for the good service.

Thread: RE: Maintenance www4 / www2

Replies: 46
Views: 128090

RE: Maintenance www4 / www2 01.06.2015 06:48 Forum: News

Since the recent maintenance of www4 and www2 we have similar problems.
We have 2 GoogleVoiceLines. Both are routed to different digital receptionists to keep the phonecalls in pbxes.
Instead of answered by the digital receptionist, most of the time one phonegroup rings. If you pick up the ringing phone, you hear nothing and the inbound caller is connected to the GoogleVoice voicemail.
Also sometimes the call stayed in pbxes but no digital receptionist answered.
We resetted the pbx very often and moved it from www4 to www2 several times. The only success was that it worked for a very short time as expected.
Before the maintenance of www4 and www2, we had no problems at all. We had some issues with GoogleVoice on www1, but after moving the pbx to www4, everything worked perfect until the recent update.
Thank you for help.

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