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Thread: Find Out Where Callers Got Your Number

Replies: 0
Views: 42

Find Out Where Callers Got Your Number 05.02.2025 12:43 Forum: News

Your phone number appears on different sources, such as:
✅ Your website
✅ Google Maps
✅ Social media
✅ Offline (e.g., flyers, business cards)

If you want to know where a caller found your number, simply display a different phone number for each source.

➡ Here’s how it works:
1️⃣ Assign a unique phone number to each source.
2️⃣ Use inbound routing to forward calls to your extensions, queues, or call groups.
3️⃣ Set a custom CID name prefix for each number, such as "WEB", "MAP", or "IG".

Result: When a call comes in, you'll instantly see which source the caller used – giving you valuable insights at a glance!

Thread: Herausfinden, woher Anrufer deine Nummer haben

Replies: 0
Views: 44

Herausfinden, woher Anrufer deine Nummer haben 05.02.2025 12:39 Forum: News

Deine Telefonnummer ist an verschiedenen Orten sichtbar, zum Beispiel:
✅ Auf deiner Webseite
✅ In Google Maps
✅ Auf Social Media
✅ Offline (z. B. Flyer, Visitenkarten)

Wenn du wissen möchtest, woher ein Anrufer deine Nummer hat, kannst du für jede dieser Quellen eine individuelles Keyword anzeigen.

➡ So funktioniert es:
1️⃣ Weise jeder Quelle eine eigene Telefonnummer zu.
2️⃣ Nutze Inbound-Routing, um Anrufe auf deine Nebenstellen, Warteschleifen oder Rufgruppen weiterzuleiten.
3️⃣ Setze einen individuellen CID-Namen-Präfix für jede Nummer – z. B. "WEB", "MAP", "IG".

Ergebnis: Sobald ein Anruf eingeht, wird dir das Keyword der Quelle direkt angezeigt – so weißt du sofort, woher der Anrufer deine Nummer hat!

Thread: Payment Failure PayPal

Replies: 4
Views: 119

RE: Payment Failure PayPal 05.02.2025 11:25 Forum: Miscellaneous

As you really are one of our first customers of 2008 we made it possible for you, and re-activated your subscription. Thanks for your loyalty!

Thread: Payment Failure PayPal

Replies: 4
Views: 119

RE: Payment Failure PayPal 04.02.2025 17:38 Forum: Miscellaneous

We don't restore subscriptions that failed three times. Please create a new subscription from the shop page.

To ensure safety throughout the 24-hour grace period, you can back up your data in Personal Data. Recently, automatic backup functionality was added for your convenience, making it easier to continue using accounts that have been downgraded to the free tier for some time.

Thread: Callthru issue w/ ClouFON

Replies: 2
Views: 451

RE: Callthru issue w/ ClouFON 21.01.2025 14:23 Forum: Bugs

Do you have other trunks working with inbound routes having
- an empty trunk name
- just a caller ID starting with "+"?

Thread: problems with incoming calls

Replies: 1
Views: 773

RE: problems with incoming calls 13.01.2025 20:30 Forum: Providers

Did you try with different devices as extensions? You could e.g. try our Android app "Sipdroid".

If you only have one device type, you could change the codec setting.

If this does not help, the next step would be to look at the System Log. You can enable SIP Trace there, but this is only available on paid accounts.

Thread: Please restore my soho account

Replies: 1
Views: 903

RE: Please restore my soho account 25.12.2024 12:58 Forum: Miscellaneous

We don't restore subscriptions that failed three times. Please create a new subscription from the shop page.

To ensure safety throughout the 24-hour grace period, you can back up your data in Personal Data. Recently, automatic backup functionality was added for your convenience, making it easier to continue using accounts that have been downgraded to the free tier for some time.

Thread: Payment and premium account cancelled in error! PLEASE HELP

Replies: 1
Views: 1502

RE: Payment and premium account cancelled in error! PLEASE HELP 06.11.2024 14:44 Forum: Miscellaneous

There is a 24 hour grace period. So please create a new subscription from our shop page til today 6pm.

Then everything will continue to work as usual.

If you can't subscribe again within this timeframe don't worry. We have manually logged in to your account and created a backup of all settings in the Personal Data tab.

We are working on automating this if somebody cancels a subscription accidentally, and does not react immediately as you did by contacting us.

Thread: No TLS with Sipdroid on Android 14 and 13

Replies: 2
Views: 2653

Lampe RE: No TLS with Sipdroid on Android 14 and 13 03.11.2024 14:52 Forum: Bugs

The issue has been fixed.

Also works with Android 15! Thanks for bringing this up!

Thread: No TLS with Sipdroid on Android 14 and 13

Replies: 2
Views: 2653

RE: No TLS with Sipdroid on Android 14 and 13 16.09.2024 09:37 Forum: Bugs

Yes, we also noticed that an Oppo Find X5 on Android 14 refused to register on TLS, but registered on TCP, while an Oppo Find X2 Pro on Android 13, and an Oppo Find X7 Ultra on Android 14 registered fine on TLS.

We are further analyzing this.

Thread: Sipdroid TLS not working. TCP and UDP OK.

Replies: 2
Views: 6045

RE: Sipdroid TLS not working. TCP and UDP OK. 12.04.2024 09:10 Forum: Bugs

On our Android 14 it's working fine. First please check if you are using the right port number for TLS (5070).

Thread: Urgent Help needed - trunk outage

Replies: 3
Views: 11264

RE: Urgent Help needed - trunk outage 22.03.2024 12:07 Forum: PBXes PRO

Now that you have entered a username your SIP server is incorrect. The server name is unknown in name service. Please ask your provider what their current server name is.

Thread: please restore to original configuration

Replies: 1
Views: 5000

RE: please restore to original configuration 22.03.2024 12:02 Forum: PBXes PRO

I am sorry, we do not have a older backup on file. You can backup/restore your account in Personal Data.

Thread: Invoice request

Replies: 1
Views: 9247

RE: Invoice request 22.03.2024 11:59 Forum: Miscellaneous

Invoices get emailed to the address of your Paypal account. Have you checked that mailbox?

Thread: Urgent Help needed - trunk outage

Replies: 3
Views: 11264

RE: Urgent Help needed - trunk outage 21.03.2024 16:22 Forum: PBXes PRO

Did you change your trunk configuration on PBXes? I am asking because the username seems to be empty.

Thread: verify PRO subscription

Replies: 2
Views: 5138

RE: verify PRO subscription 21.03.2024 16:19 Forum: PBXes PRO

Yes, your subscription is OK. Thanks.

Thread: call recording

Replies: 2
Views: 9327

RE: call recording 07.03.2024 17:39 Forum: Queues, Digital Receptionist, Faxmail, Voicemail and Ring Groups

We've changed call recording format for your account from GSM to uncompressed 16-bit PCM. Files are much bigger now.

Thread: RFC 3326 / Call completed elsewhere

Replies: 1
Views: 8061

RE: RFC 3326 / Call completed elsewhere 07.03.2024 17:19 Forum: Warteschleifen, Sprachmenüs, Faxmail, Anrufbeantworter und Rufgruppen

Vielen Dank für die Anregung.

Bisher ging das nicht. Wir haben eine Ergänzung vorgenommen. Bitte testen Sie möglichst bald, ob es damit funktioniert, da wir das Update ggf. wieder deinstallieren, um Inkompatibilitäten zu vermeiden.

Es sollte für Warteschleifen gehen, nicht jedoch für Rufgruppen.

Um das Update zu laden, klicken Sie bitte einmal auf "Speichern & Starten" unter "Persönliche Daten".

Thread: How not use G.729 codec

Replies: 1
Views: 6344

RE: How not use G.729 codec 02.09.2023 15:58 Forum: Miscellaneous

For free accounts (like yours) G.729 is always disabled. So PBXes will not offer or accept the codec.

Thread: Username Change

Replies: 1
Views: 6831

RE: Username Change 04.06.2023 19:18 Forum: Miscellaneous

Please create a new username, and let us know when you are done. We'll delete the old one and refund the fee.

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