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Thread: RE: PRI to PBXes

Replies: 1
Views: 9557

RE: PRI to PBXes 30.12.2011 19:26 Forum: Terminal Equipment

You can try the Mediatrix 3531 / 3532 – PRI T1 found at Media5 Corp's site.

They have great support and their equipment is very customizable.

Thread: RE: Incoming Caller ID Time

Replies: 2
Views: 11105

RE: Incoming Caller ID Time 23.10.2011 17:19 Forum: Miscellaneous

To what kind of phones are you referring to?

Most ATAs & IP-phones set their time based on NTP servers not time from CallerID.

Thread: RE: All phones not registered

Replies: 6
Views: 20092

RE: All phones not registered 03.10.2011 07:44 Forum: Terminal Equipment

Hey Steve,

Will the cable company allow you to swap routers between connections?

For this to work, they will have to unshackle the MAC addresses of the routers from their CMTS equipment. Some cable companies have configured their CMTS units to do this automatically, if you power off their cable modems for a few minutes. Others oblige their techs to do this manually.

In case they are unable to help, you might have to swap the MAC addresses of the two routers by cloning them. Don't forget to swap them back after your tests are over.

Let us know how that works.

Thread: RE: TCP settings

Replies: 5
Views: 26606

RE: TCP settings 03.10.2011 07:29 Forum: Terminal Equipment

As far as I know this has been active, since SipDroid was in Beta testing. Otherwise, there wouldn't be any support for TCP in PBXes.

On which server is your PBXes account hosted?

Thread: RE: TCP settings

Replies: 5
Views: 26606

RE: TCP settings 20.09.2011 11:35 Forum: Terminal Equipment

The basic idea of using the Acrobits intermediate SIP Proxy, is for their iPhone App not to be loaded into memory, unless there is an incoming call which obviously needs to be answered. If the registration from their intermediate SIP Proxy towards PBXes is not being maintained, then you should inquire with them, why the registration is lost.

Connecting to PBXes via TCP through any soft-phone, will reduce the amount of re-connections, but it will not eliminate them. Your battery will drain slower, but it will drain nonetheless. On Android based phones, using SipDroid via TCP or using CSIPsimple via TCP, will drain your battery at the same rate. It's a better option than using UDP, but it cannot be compared with using an intermediate SIP Proxy, to hold the registration for their iPhone based Apps, and use Push notification to load their Apps into memory to answer incoming calls.

This is definitely not how Sipdroid works with PBXes. There is no magic solution in this situation, without using an intermediate SIP Proxy. I don't like it since it introduces an element of security risk, but it's the only way I am aware of, to reduce the battery drain and use VoIP efficiently on an iPhone.

It requires a few disparate settings in various places of the Acrobits' Apps, but it seems to work properly on the iPhones I have configured it.

Thread: RE: Calling SIP URL

Replies: 6
Views: 23370

RE: Calling SIP URL 19.09.2011 09:51 Forum: Miscellaneous

In the above call scenario, PBXes is not altering any SIP URI's. When there is no Outbound route configured, it uses the default ENUM trunk to complete OnNet calls, to destinations such as Voxalot.

In order to complete calls to both OnNet and OffNet destinations, create an ENUM trunk and place it first on the Outbound Route you have created for your SipGate trunk.

That will take care of the OnNet calls, and the SipGate trunk in the second place will take care of the OffNet (PSTN) calls.

Thread: RE: Can't call my account or any extensions through their SIP addresses?!

Replies: 6
Views: 20993

RE: Can't call my account or any extensions through their SIP addresses?! 19.09.2011 08:26 Forum: Miscellaneous

@darkstar851: The public can get to that address (SIP URI), if and only if it has an appropriate Inbound Route setup. So for extension 201 in elkosupertech's PBXes' account, there should be an Inbound Route named elkosupertech-201 pointing to extension 201.

Only then will the elkosupertech-201@pbxes.org will be reachable from the rest of the OnNet world.

Thread: RE: TCP settings

Replies: 5
Views: 26606

RE: TCP settings 19.09.2011 07:37 Forum: Terminal Equipment

When using the Acrobits Softphone on an iPhone, the way to minimize battery drain is to use their intermediate SIP Proxy, which sends a Push notification to the iPhone, that in turn reloads their Softphone or Groundwire into an active state, in order to answer the incoming call.

Their explanation can be found here: About Push Notifications. The only drawback when using this method, is that it takes a bit longer for the iPhone to start ringing on an inbound call. But the battery savings are amazing.

Thread: RE: Classic extension

Replies: 6
Views: 22125

RE: Classic extension 08.09.2011 07:54 Forum: Miscellaneous

A classic extension is used to trigger an outbound call, using an existing trunk, selected via the appropriate outbound route.

So, if the trunk's provider (ITSP) allows you to set the CallerID for delivery to the PSTN destination, being able to set it on the Classic extension permits the flexibility to do so on an extension basis, instead of on a trunk basis.

Thread: RE: Incoming call issue

Replies: 8
Views: 24115

RE: Incoming call issue 23.08.2011 16:50 Forum: Miscellaneous

Apparently, this ITSP requires different handling for inbound calls, which requires additional investigation.

Please open a support case so we can look into it further.

Thread: RE: Feature request Unique IP

Replies: 4
Views: 17290

Appearances tend to be deceiving 22.08.2011 13:50 Forum: PBXes PRO

You are definitely a customer who is willing to pay a certain amount to add a feature you consider useful. But when the question is direct: How much money are you willing to part with for a unique IP on your PBXes account? you don't seem to have a definite answer. And based on your latest comment, it is not even going to be your decision, but you have to pass the info to your administration for them to approve.

Let me remind you the question was, how much were you willing to pay for a unique IP to your PBXes account, based on your initial comment "I desperately need a unique IP address". Not how much it will cost to implement such a change to PBXes for every account, which you started suggesting in your reply.

You are definitely a customer who knows that even a shared VPS can have multiple unique IPs, so you assumed that any server can do it as well. Obviously you forgot that PBXes is a service run on multiple servers in three continents. Any PBXes account can be freely moved to any of the other servers, in case the server it is currently hosted in experiences an issue. Have you ever considered, how this server change will affect the accounts with their own unique IPs? I guess not, and I don't expect you to know the answer, but in a similar way I don't expect you to behave as a smart-ass, when demanding a feature whose implications are not visible to you.

When you first brought up this request in the support thread, I mentioned that it was not that easy to implement it for technical reasons. It is not lack of financial resources that has prevented us from offering it so far, but our efforts to keep offering as much of a stable telephony platform as we can. And I offered you alternatives, in order to compensate for this lack of unique IP for every PBXes account. I guess you didn't like my replies, so you created this thread.

Thread: RE: Feature request Unique IP

Replies: 4
Views: 17290

RE: Feature request Unique IP 20.08.2011 10:13 Forum: PBXes PRO

SInce you are declaring desperate for a unique Public IP, and everything is possible when money is no object as you insinuating in your comments, the real question is:

How much money are you willing to part with for a unique IP on your PBXes account?

Let's see how really desperate you are. We will be considering adding that feature based solely on your financial contribution.

Have a nice day.

Thread: RE: bug outside incoming calls

Replies: 3
Views: 12294

RE: bug outside incoming calls 20.08.2011 08:05 Forum: Bugs

I am not sure what the issue is with this particular trunk, and since I haven't used ViaTalk as an ITSP yet, I cannot be certain where the issue lies. It's also unclear to me how using ipkall.com is related since chances are, their SIP Proxy is different that ViaTalk's.

The trace ViaTalk's techs provided you, is when their SIP Proxy sent an Invite to sip:mr5858-103@pbxes.org, which based on our previous discussion is not the most appropriate SIP URI to use. Ask them to send you a trace when their SIP Proxy sends the Invite to sip: mr5858-viatalk@pbxes.org, and there is a matching Inbound Route setup in your PBXes account.

Whether this issue is related to using the "Invite" field instead of the "To" field, is almost impossible to determine without looking at a SIP trace. I see two options for you to proceed, which require you to open a support case:

• Send us your ViaTalk's account credentials, so we can set them up on a test PBXes account, and work with you for test calls as well as to communicate with ViaTalk's techs. Once we determine the proper provisioning for the ViaTalk trunk, we will let you know how to set it up on your PBXes account.
• Send us your PBXes password, so we can test the trunk setup directly from your PBXes account. We might have to test the ViaTalk trunk on another PBXes account as well, just to ensure it's not a PBXes' account issue.

Let us know how you wish to proceed.

Thread: RE: Incoming call issue

Replies: 8
Views: 24115

RE: Incoming call issue 19.08.2011 23:26 Forum: Miscellaneous

Try a few more inbound calls, and let me know if your extensions ring.

Thread: RE: Incoming call issue

Replies: 8
Views: 24115

RE: Incoming call issue 19.08.2011 18:39 Forum: Miscellaneous

If I understand this properly, you switched to PBXes because your ITSP wouldn't support concurrent registrations.

Try sending an inbound call to your GMobile trunk and verify if your two extensions ring. Even if they don't ring, ensure the call was acknowledged by PBXes via the Call Monitor.

On another note, the IP seems to be located close to LA, so moving your PBXes account on the NY PBXes' server, might be advantageous, even if you are located in Europe.

Take care.

Thread: RE: Lost Registration on Register Expires

Replies: 3
Views: 15077

RE: Lost Registration on Register Expires 19.08.2011 18:06 Forum: Miscellaneous

I am glad the factory reset took care of the issue.

Thread: RE: Can't understand how transfer calls from digital recept. to classic ext., pstn

Replies: 2
Views: 13882

RE: Can't understand how transfer calls from digital recept. to classic ext., pstn 19.08.2011 11:32 Forum: Queues, Digital Receptionist, Faxmail, Voicemail and Ring Groups

Please provide us with more information regarding this issue.

• How are you calling the Digital Receptionist (DR)?
---> From within PBXes or from a PSTN DID via an inbound Trunk?

• Can you set the Inbound Route to bypass the DR and dial directly the Classic extension?
---> Will the inbound call ring on the Classic extension?

• Is the trunk used to dial the PSTN number of the Classic extension, the same trunk the inbound call comes in?
---> Will the ITSP allow concurrent calls on this trunk, or just allow a single voice channel?

Thread: RE: Multifon.ru

Replies: 6
Views: 28689

RE: Multifon.ru 19.08.2011 11:22 Forum: Providers


I would like to clarify a major point which you seem to take for granted. Even if we have the master keys to every room in the PBXes hotel, we will not enter anyone's room unless we are expressly invited to. We respect your privacy very much, so we are trying to diagnose every issue based on your description, and help you resolve it by modifying the configuration on your own.

Your post started a new thread in the public forums, so any paid user could reply to it. Since we are not the only ones having access to this forum, the solution to your particular issue might have been suggested from another PBXes user, who surely will not have access to your account configuration. The lack of pertinent information for any issue, will inhibit them from suggesting a possible solution.

Let's now concentrate on your issue at hand. This trunk was working properly up until a week ago, both for outgoing and inbound calls. This suggests that unless a change was made in the configuration of your PBXes' account, something changed on multifon.ru's side. Have you inquired with them?

Regarding the suggested setup for the multifon.ru Trunk, in the Account section of the PBXes GUI, the "SIP server or proxy:" should be set to "sbc.megafon.ru" and the "domain:" should be set to "multifon.ru". Try it with these settings and let us know if it resolves your issue.

Answer #7: Chances are that your Inbound Route for this trunk will need to be altered. Without a proper Inbound route, incoming calls can neither reach an IVR (DR) nor any voicemail. PBXes simply doesn't know where to route the call and will most likely drop it, sending back to the remote SIP Proxy a 404 Not Found reply.

Take care.

Thread: RE: Lost Registration on Register Expires

Replies: 3
Views: 15077

RE: Lost Registration on Register Expires 19.08.2011 10:06 Forum: Miscellaneous

Based on your description, if your ATA keeps loosing registration to a SIP Proxy, your LAN is dealing with serious saturation issues.

• What kind of router are you using?
• Is it able to provide your LAN with 2-way QoS or just 1-way?

If it can only provide your LAN with 1-way QoS (outbound), then due to the heavy inbound network traffic, the replies to the Register packets might not be arriving in time to the ATA.

Increase the re-registration period to 1800 seconds and verify if the ATA stays registered to PBXes. To verify that it is, send calls to the PBXes' extension on regular intervals. If the attached phone rings, then your issue is resolved.

Thread: RE: Incoming call issue

Replies: 8
Views: 24115

RE: Incoming call issue 19.08.2011 09:35 Forum: Miscellaneous

Have you setup a proper Inbound Route for this Trunk? Without one PBXes doesn't know where to route the inbound calls.

Different ITSPs (VoIP trunk providers) require different strings to route calls properly, so you have to find the proper one. If you require help, let us know with which ITSP you are having issues with.

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