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--- RE: Change CID (http://www1.pbxes.com/forum/threadid.php?threadid=166)

Posted by nusma on 16.03.2006 at 18:32:

Change CID

Hy everybody

I was just testing the pbx, a very nice stuff!

Nevertheless, i would like my customers to see the phone number of my company instead of sip provider's one.

How can i do it ?

I tried to specify it on the extension and on the truncks by adding ["mycompagny" <0101010101>] with 3 different sip provider without success (wengo, internetcalls and sipdiscount)

Can anyone could help me ?

Posted by dkerr on 16.03.2006 at 22:35:

Try setting outbound CID for the trunk and see if that works. Also, for some carriers, I have found that the format "name" <12346> does not work. First try just passing a number (no "<>" or anything else, just a number).


Posted by nusma on 17.03.2006 at 10:20:

still not working ...

Posted by supernettel on 18.03.2006 at 08:22:

Most cut rate providers will not allow you to set caller ID over SIP.

Posted by nusma on 19.03.2006 at 19:44:

provider to set cid

do you know anyone who does ?

Posted by markosjal on 23.03.2006 at 05:04:

Caller ID

I have tested this feature now and I would estimate that the caller ID informatio will probably not be passed by many SIP providers.

I can however set you up with an account that we can give you any caller ID you want, however I do not think anybody will guarantee Caller ID to all destinations. If you are talking about caller ID to USA. it will appear on more than 95% of calls from my experience. No name however, just number.


Posted by hwittenb on 24.03.2006 at 00:18:

If you are talking about USA caller id here is a forum thread that discusses some US providers:

Posted by dubaistu on 03.04.2006 at 00:28:

I have outbound accounts with connect.voicepulse.com, voxee, and telasip. All three let you pass outbound caller id. I can pass the caller-id with voicepulse and voxee, but teleasip. Tech support open this ability to set my own outbound caller-id and confirmed the settings at my requesst.

Telasip guessed that it had something to do with the way this set the string looking at the registration log.

Posted by misiu369 on 26.06.2006 at 00:23:

I have a little different question...

I'm using my sip account to transfer incoming calls to my cellphone (when I'm not at home).
Is there any way to transfer the incoming callerID?

PS: Any experiences with passing callerID using european sip providers?

Posted by ayking on 30.06.2006 at 21:21:

I am also interested in passing callerID using primarily US/Canadian providers.


Posted by Diafora on 30.06.2006 at 22:43:

A general comment for the availability of CallerID is, that it depends both on the incoming provider and the outgoing one. If the correct CallerID is shown on the CallMonitor in your PBX, then it should show up on any SIP extension.

It then depends on the outgoing provider, to pass it onto a Classic extension which your cellphone should be configured as.

For misiu369 and ayking, can you provide us with the names of the providers you are having issues with, and the cities these DIDs are coming from?

Posted by misiu369 on 30.06.2006 at 23:13:

I live in Wroclaw, Poland.
I'm using 3 voip providers:
- voipdiscount.com (betamax)
- tlenofon.pl
- ipfon.pl

I have PSTN numbers from the two polish providers.
Incoming CID works fine. However, if it comes to outgoing CID:
- voipdiscount sends an empty CID (I have no PSTN number there)
- the two polish providers set CID to my PSTN number (different for each one) or an empty CID (if i choose so)

What I'd like to find is a voip provider who allows passing CID (doesn't set an outgoing CID itself).
As cheap as possible would be nice, because I only need it to pass the CID to my cellphone (to be more exact, I want to divert calls to my cellphone and callback instead of answering).

Posted by cyberdude on 08.08.2006 at 13:35:

This is something I've been searching for too. I currently have UK providers, Draytel and SIPGate-UK and neither of them pass my CID on out bound calls. A shame as I would like it to display our company's primary inbound number.

Posted by bobmats on 24.10.2007 at 16:58:

Just tried this with voicetrading to forward the caller id to my mobile and it works.

I have setup a trunk for outgoing calls using voicetrading.

username: leave empty
password: password:voicetradingusername

than I created an outboud route which uses the above trunk. Under dial pattern you for example add 33|xx.

under extension add pstn extension

leave caller id empty
under pstnnumber type: 3300.... (your number)

When someone now calls me on a did number using caller id pbxes will forward the call to the pstn extension (if you have set the extension in the ring group for that caller id) and the caller id number will get forwarded to my mobile (pstn extension)

Posted by suvidh on 19.11.2007 at 23:26:

Unable to get CLI using Voicetrading - when i forward calls to my india mobile

Hi Bob
I use voicetrading too and my sytem is setup in similar way as urs but unable to get the CLI on my indian mobile number.
Any help offered?


Posted by bobmats on 20.11.2007 at 09:59:

Here are my settings:

General Settings

Trunk Name: VT
Audio Bynpass: NO


username: leave empty
password: password:voicetradingunsername
SIP server: sip.voicetrading.com
register: no (just outbound calls)

Outbound Routing

Routename: forwardmobile
Dialpatterns: 33|xx.
Trunksequence: SIP/VT


Setup a pstn extension

Display Name: Indian Mobile
Outbound CID: LEAVE EMPTY !!!!
PSTN Number: 33(than your mobile number using 00 or 000 with voicetrading)
Follow me: disabled

Using these settings I receive a caller ID on my UM+ number.
To check you could try to forward it to another number to check if you get a caller id on the other number.

Posted by suvidh on 20.11.2007 at 10:40:

great ! it worked - thanks mate

Thanks mate the setting worked - not sure what made the difference but few questions

howcome you used the password:username ? and not put the username in the username box and password seperately? This is how i had it earlier

Also the 33|xx. what is the 33 here? and also you have added 33 before the psnt number, what is the significance .

Would be great if you could answer these but anyways the settings work so great... thanks mate

Posted by montoo on 20.11.2007 at 11:36:

CID & Name

Try Callcentric, very reliable VOIP provider. In CID what ever number you want for client to see..they can make it.

Posted by bobmats on 20.11.2007 at 15:20:

RE: great ! it worked - thanks mate

Originally posted by suvidh
Thanks mate the setting worked - not sure what made the difference but few questions

howcome you used the password:username ? and not put the username in the username box and password seperately? This is how i had it earlier

Also the 33|xx. what is the 33 here? and also you have added 33 before the psnt number, what is the significance .

Would be great if you could answer these but anyways the settings work so great... thanks mate

the password:username I read that somewhere, don't know where but it seemed to work to pass the caller id on.
Voicetrading lets you set any caller id, so when you want to have a trunk using a specific caller id, in username you fill is +447221.... and so on. This way you could use a trunk and have your own caller id.

The 33 is just a shortcust to reach the trunk. I asume that you have more truks, or for example I have setup my system like, first I dial 31 for an outside line and trunk 31 will give me a certain caller id.
Dialing 32 will give me a different caller id.
The 31 of 33 could also be just 3 or 341, any number you would like to add to reach a specific trunk.

I added 33 at the pstn number so it knows that it has to take the trunk you just setup. In the trunk there is also 33 and than the | sign which means it will not dial the 33 but only what you dial after that.

Posted by i-p-tel on 18.03.2008 at 00:39:

RE: Change CID

Sipgate (at least their German subsidiary) now also passes any CID. When the caller id number should get forwarded to your mobile (pstn extension) it is often neccessary to get it into the right format. Sipgate requires it to be E.164 i.e. starting by the country code without any prefix.

This can be accomplished by writing:


into Outbound Caller ID of the trunk. In this example 49 would be prepended to the Caller ID before passing it to the trunk. You could also remove a leading 0 by writing:


The required setting depends on how the Caller IDs are delivered on your DIDs which can be checked in the Call Monitor.

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