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--- Inbound route - DID-based? (http://www1.pbxes.com/forum/threadid.php?threadid=1419223640)

Posted by denovo on 22.12.2014 at 05:47:

Inbound route - DID-based?

I'm getting calls to multiple DIDs via the same trunk.
When configuring inbound routes, there is no place to specify the DID - so how do I match an internal destination to an external DID?
This is a common thing with FreePBX, but can't find how to do this in PBXes.Org....



-- It's been weeks - nobody have an answer? I'm on Soho account!
PBXes is of no use to us if we cant route calls based on multiple DID over the same trunk.

-- I can totally understand how small companies like PBXes.Org must externalize all costs, including support, and pass it on to the community - that being said, if weeks go by and nobody answers my questions, how likely am I to continue and pay? Being forced to purchase support is not okay, when I can't even get the basic initial setup working, and when there's no clear indication that my setup is even supported. I'm not going to pay for support, only to be told that it can't be done (although it's a basic elementary feature - so I expect it does exist in SoHo or more costly plans, which I have no problem paying for, if it works).

Posted by ecodev on 05.11.2024 at 15:05:

(Solved) Inbound route - DID-based?

I have a same problem, on PBXes Premium account, we have a SIP trunk receiving calls for 11 DID.

I did a SIP trace: our DID provider sends the called number in the "To" SIP INVITE header:

To: <sip:41325131701@pro1.voipgateway.org>

Now I configured a single SIP trunk with the main number, that is registered just fine.

Then I've added an inbound route to an extension with the trunk name: the extension rings to any of the 11 DID.

To route the call depending of what number is called, I would probably need to create 11 incoming routes with the name of the trunk, but I don't see a field "called ID", is there a special syntax like using a suffix to the trunk name?


You need to edit the `extension.conf` file, context `ext-did` in Source View, which require a Premium or Pro account.

; Generated by the web interface inbound routing
exten => 41376543210,1,SetVar(FROM_DID=41376543210)
exten => 41376543210,2,SetVar(FAX_RX=disabled)
exten => 41376543210,3,Goto(ext-local,200,1)

exten => 41376543211,1,SetVar(FROM_DID=41376543211)
exten => 41376543211,2,SetVar(FAX_RX=disabled)
exten => 41376543211,3,Goto(ext-local,201,1)

exten => 41376543212,1,SetVar(FROM_DID=41376543212)
exten => 41376543212,2,SetVar(FAX_RX=disabled)
exten => 41376543212,3,Goto(ext-local,201,1)

; Custom routing for DID trunk
exten => TrunkName,1,Set(original_did=${CUT(CUT(SIP_HEADER(To),@,1),:,2)})
exten => TrunkName,2,GotoIf($["${original_did}" = "41376543210"]?41376543210,1:TrunkName,3)
exten => TrunkName,3,GotoIf($["${original_did}" = "41376543211"]?41376543211,1:TrunkName,4)
exten => TrunkName,4,GotoIf($["${original_did}" = "41376543212"]?41376543212,1:TrunkName,5)
exten => TrunkName,5,Hangup

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