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Posted by montoo on 05.05.2008 at 16:39:

Snom m3 DECT (cordless) SIP phone

I want to buy the Snom m3, the wireless IP phone introduced by Snom. Wiil I be able to use with Pbxes with relevant configuration.

Posted by Diafora on 05.05.2008 at 17:16:

Although I have seen the m3 at VON last October, the phone at the Snom booth was a prototype, and they wouldn't allow me to re-configure it with PBXes for a test.

I believe the m3 is running version 7 of their firmware which has a few incompatibilities with PBXes. On the other hand, I currently have 3 Snom phones (360, 320) running version 6 firmware, which have fewer issues with PBXes.

Are you looking to buy this particular phone or will you consider other SIP DECT phones too?

Posted by montoo on 05.05.2008 at 18:10:

I was looking for this particular SIP DECT phones as it is cordless. Otherwise linksys SPA 9xx series are compatible with Pbxes
Snom m3 currently runs a firmware version 1.07, which is different then (snom300, snom320, snom 360 & snom370) which run on version 7.1.30
But due to specific requirement, let me know any other brand of cordless SIP DECT phones which has no problem with Pbxes.Thanks

Posted by Diafora on 05.05.2008 at 18:38:

Other DECT (cordless) SIP phone

The Linksys SPA-962, as well as the rest of the SPA-xxxx adapters and phones, have been the most compatible SIP UAs I have found so far, for use with PBXes.

Since you are in the market for a DECT SIP phone, I will be testing the Siemens Gigaset CE460 IP R around the end of the month. So if you are willing to wait, I will be able to give you a fair assessment of it.

Regarding the Snom m3 phone you have, if you can port forward port 80 to its' IP on your router, I might be able to look though it's settings. Have you been able to provision it as an extension on PBXes?

Posted by montoo on 05.05.2008 at 20:14:

I have stillto wait for 3 week to get Snom m3 so once I get, will try to portforward port 80 to its' IP on your router and other test you mentioned.
Meanwhile, you will also able to test Siemens Gigaset CE460 IP R.
Some information about pbx http://kb.snom.com/kb/index.php?CategoryID=7


Posted by montoo on 27.06.2008 at 09:26:

smile SNOM M3 working with Pbxes

Eventually I received Snom M3, upgraded to latest firmware i.e 1.15. Then configured the Pbxes extension it is working without any problem.

Sound quality and range is really very good. Tried all ports 80,5060, 5061 and 443 and was able to register all.

Snom M3 can register upto 8 VOIP provider in one handset.

Posted by Diafora on 27.06.2008 at 13:52:

I am glad you got the Snom M3 up and running on PBXes.

What you should watch out for, is whether the phone looses its' registration from time to time, which results in not ringing on incoming calls, when the rest of the phones in the Ring Group ring properly.

That is one of the issues desktop Snom phones suffer from.

Posted by montoo on 29.06.2008 at 07:13:

Using last 3 days, good news phone does not looses its' registration at port 5060 for all incoming and outgoing.

But strange part that phone looses its' registration from time to time on ports 5061 & 443. I have Voxalot on the same hand set at port 2060 and it never losses its registration.

I have no explanation why Snom M3 on port 5061 & 443 losses registration form time to time.

Posted by montoo on 02.07.2008 at 06:16:

Registration ports 5061, 443 & 80

I tested last port 80, sane the the registration is lost and calls can not made or received. But Snom M3 screen shows registered.

Only port work 5060 for all incoming and outgoing, any suggestion to use other ports.

Posted by Diafora on 02.07.2008 at 19:53:

I have never been able to register any PBXes extension on a Snom phone, on a port other than 5060. I believe there is an inherent incompatibility between the Snom and the Asterisk SIP stacks.

Even when registering extensions on different servers the only usable SIP port is 5060. No other port has worked for me. Regarding Voxalot I believe their service runs on SER, which is different than Asterisk.

Regarding the registration status shown on the web interface of the Snom phones, it is not very accurate. The only way to know whether your SIP User Agents hold their registrations, is to assign them into Ring Groups. Then direct your Inbound calls into the Ring Group, and watch over the period of a couple of days, whether all your SIP UAs ring on every inbound call.

Some of them will, some of them will not. My Sipura UAs ring almost all the time, my Snom and Siemens UAs ring 50% of the time.

Posted by montoo on 09.07.2008 at 05:39:

SIP DECT phones are easy to use compare to ATA device. But it is a fact that ATA like 3102, 3000 has no comparison with any device provided they well configured.

To make Snom ring all the time for incoming calls, I am suing unique port for all devices. Like Snom Pbxes using 5060, Snom voxalot 4060. For Liknsys 3102 voxalot on line1 443 and PSTN at 3060.
I experience one way sound when using 5060 for Linksys 3102 although using stun at Linksys i.e end up using unique ports.

I did not try to use Stun at Snom may be will solve the problem of one way sound.

Posted by Diafora on 09.07.2008 at 10:32:

The issue I have identified with the Snom desk phones as well as the Siemens DECT phones, is that no call appearance has been able to register on a port other than 5060.

When using a different signaling port on any of the account configurations of a Snom or a Siemens, that specific account does not register. In contrast when using different signaling ports (from 5060 to 5080) on any Linksys (Sipura) User Agent, all the inbound calls are received properly.

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