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Thread: RE: Google Voice Peering

Replies: 206
Views: 1038724

Achtung RE: Google Voice Peering 30.05.2012 20:38 Forum: News

As of today, it appears that Google Peering is not working. I have tried to re-register my account. I can dial out on my Grandstream device but not on my Google Trunk. Please look into this.


Thread: Google Peering

Replies: 0
Views: 4811

großes Grinsen Google Peering 20.04.2012 17:14 Forum: Bugs

There seems to be a problem with Google Peering. I am unable to dial out on any of my Google Trunks. I have tried to re-register my account but to no avail. Please look into this. Thanks!

Looks like I figured out my issue. For whatever reason PBXes wasn't following the Outbound Routes as it should. I didn't have a route defined for an old trunk (Ipkall) as it tried to ring out there everytime. Once I removed that trunk, outbound calls working as they should.

Thread: Forum Profile

Replies: 0
Views: 4125

Forum Profile 01.02.2012 22:10 Forum: Miscellaneous

Does anybody know how to update a profile under the Forum?

Thread: RE: Cisco 7940G / 7960G

Replies: 1
Views: 8131

RE: Cisco 7940G / 7960G 01.02.2012 22:02 Forum: Terminal Equipment

First and foremost, make sure they have SIP firmware installed. I have a Cisco 7940 phone setup as an extension so I know they work.

The other problem maybe NAT'ing. If that's the case, you'll need to setup a TFTP server for the phone to contact. Direct the phone to contact the TFTP server, and look for a file called SIPDefault.cnf. This maybe found on the internet. You need to change a couple of lines:

nat_enable: "1"
nat_address: "(outside address)"

If you have more than one phone, this might pose an issue. I don't know since I have setup only one phone at work with a firewall that I have no access to and the Cisco 7912 phones I have at home connect to a local PBX setup as a trunk to my PBXes account.

Please let me know if there is more I can help with.

Thread: RE: Google Voice Peering

Replies: 206
Views: 1038724

Lampe RE: Google Voice Peering 01.11.2011 18:20 Forum: News

I noticed this whole conversation and then tested my setup. I have 2 GoogleVoice trunks and 2 incoming routes based on what trunk received the call. Up until today, it was working flawlessly but now it seems that I have to add the default incoming route so that defeats the setup. But, even with the setup it seems that the call is coming into PBXes but for some reason its not being routed to the proper ring group.

That was until I notice in another spot the issues with Extensions on the Seattle Datacenter. So I moved my account to the New York Datacenter and still it didn't properly register my extensions. I then tried to re-register with the New York Datacenter and it is working as it should. It appears there is a problem with Seattle's extensions and possibly ring groups. Just my observation. Maybe if those who are still having issues, you might try a different datacenter.

Thread: Sub-PBX not working

Replies: 0
Views: 7405

Zunge raus! Sub-PBX not working 24.10.2011 08:01 Forum: Terminal Equipment

As of this time, I am unable to call out from my Sub-PBX. I have watched on my local PBX that its trying the trunk as it should, but looking at the Call Monitor link I don't see any log that it tried. I have also try to go to my personal data and do the "submit & start" button but no change.

I don't know if this is related to the GVoice issues that are reported. Anyways, please help. Thank you.

UPDATE: This definitely a problem with Sub-PBXs. I have a Grandstream ATA device setup as a Sub-PBX and I am unable to use the device.

UPDATE: We're up and working again. Thanks to whomever fixed this!!!

Update: Well the ATA started working. I've come home and noticed my local Trixbox server still isn't working. The only thing I have changed were my extensions but I don't thing it should affect dialing though to PBXes.org. My settings are mostly the same as this posting except I added NAT settings and externip. I think something has changed but I don't know what exactly. Please assist.

10/25/2011: Still down on my local PBX. :-( Well I have tried to use various settings but still haven't found anything. Have been trying to go though my logs but I don't see any clues to the issue...

10/26/2011: Well guys, I got this figured out. After panicking on you I finally determined my issue to being an errand firewall entry. Sometimes it helps to know the resources you have. My new trick was to watch the /var/logs/asterisk/full log. In my case I could see that nothing would register so I started back tracking and once I tried a softphone and it didn't connect, I knew it was in the firewall. Removed the entry and now I have my phones working again!!! :-D

Thread: Message Waiting Indicator (MWI) and Google Voice

Replies: 0
Views: 7907

Message Waiting Indicator (MWI) and Google Voice 19.10.2011 02:10 Forum: Feature Requests

It would be really handy to have MWI activated for Google Voice accounts using Google as voicemail as they did with PBX in a Flash

Thread: RE: Grandstream HT-503

Replies: 11
Views: 48536

RE: Grandstream HT-503 18.10.2011 01:45 Forum: Terminal Equipment

I'd send you my configuration but there's no easy way to do that.

This is basically what I found:

Grandstream Forums

Basically there is this little obscure setting found at the bottom of the FXO setup called "Stage Method". Default is set to 2, change that to a 1.

If it also helps, I setup my Grandstream as a SubPBX.

Thread: Registering Clients or GTalk issue

Replies: 0
Views: 4826

Registering Clients or GTalk issue 10.10.2011 05:49 Forum: Bugs

Since I'm not 100% sure of the issue I put the subject as that....

Issue is that dialing out from my local pbx is dialing but not connecting. Doing a SIP trace here shows its not even trying. Trixbox reporting trunk not registered. I have tried a local softphone to connect and it fails. I have reset the password just to verify I'm using the right password.

I will try tomorrow with my connection at work but thought I'd better get this ball rolling first.

Once again ... I have the issue solved. But I guess what really is the issue is for some reason I can't set the host to pbxes.org. Once I set it to www2.pbxes.com it works. My issue with that is I read that it must be set to pbxes.org for failover to work. Would someone elaborate on this? Thanks!

Thread: RE: Remote Re-register or automatic re-register

Replies: 3
Views: 13473

RE: Remote Re-register or automatic re-register 28.09.2011 22:48 Forum: Feature Requests

Why does that have to be a premium account?

Thread: RE: Remote Re-register or automatic re-register

Replies: 3
Views: 13473

Lampe Remote Re-register or automatic re-register 22.09.2011 00:48 Forum: Feature Requests

Had an issue yesterday that made me think of this. Wish there was a way to re-register the trunks without logging in, going to account information and clicking the save/done button or set an automatic time for it to occur.

I was trying to call from my local PBX and just had it ringing. Once I realize what it was, logged in an re-registered the account and it was working again. Just had no indication that there was a problem until I tried calling my cellphone and it didn't ring. Just a thought.

All in all, I purchased the SOHO account for the easy Google Voice access and I am very pleased with the service! Good job guys!!!

Thread: RE: Can't call my account or any extensions through their SIP addresses?!

Replies: 6
Views: 19758

RE: Can't call my account or any extensions through their SIP addresses?! 16.09.2011 18:35 Forum: Miscellaneous

If by hitting it, you mean ringing it I would think not. In Trixbox's setup, there is a box to accept anonymous SIP connections, and with this service you don't have that option.

So my thought is that it has to authenticate somehow. I believe that's where the SubPBX setting comes in. It authenticates with PBXes and then allows you to ring any or all extensions. I think... smile

Again, I'm not affiliated with PBXes except as a customer. But I love this service and hopefully my experiences with it helps.

Thread: RE: Can't call my account or any extensions through their SIP addresses?!

Replies: 6
Views: 19758

RE: Can't call my account or any extensions through their SIP addresses?! 15.09.2011 19:59 Forum: Miscellaneous

That's interesting. I have a softphone connected for work using elkosupertech-201. I am using 3CX for a softphone, and to get that setup I used just the user ID but also I used the Proxy Address of PBXes.org. But the softphone does work along with my internal extensions and my GV accounts.

Curious, does your panel show the extension is active?

Thread: RE: GV not forwarding

Replies: 3
Views: 11795

RE: GV not forwarding 15.09.2011 18:10 Forum: Miscellaneous

You might click on your "Call Monitor" and see what is going on with the calls. Its a great troubleshooting step.

Thread: RE: Can't call my account or any extensions through their SIP addresses?!

Replies: 6
Views: 19758

RE: Can't call my account or any extensions through their SIP addresses?! 15.09.2011 18:04 Forum: Miscellaneous

My understanding is that you will want to setup a SubPBX for your Trixbox. I am assuming that your Ext 200 is on the local Trixbox, so when the GTalk trunk is ringing, you want it to go to Ext 200 right?

I don't know if this helps but on my setup I have a Gtalk coming in, and a ring group setup for the extensions on my local Trixbox


That # is very important to identify sending down a trunk. Then my SubPBX trunk "elkosupertech-bull" is registered two-way on my Local TrixBox as a trunk there too. That way, my default out goes though that trunk and incoming is registered and allowed to come in.


Thread: Issues with Extensions

Replies: 0
Views: 6435

Achtung Issues with Extensions 14.09.2011 22:55 Forum: Terminal Equipment

It seems that any of my extensions are not ringing when a call comes in. They will call out. I verified this in my call logs that its hitting my ring group but none of the extensions are doing anything. Help!

Thread: RE: SubPBX with Trixbox -- HELP

Replies: 1
Views: 29715

Zunge raus! SubPBX with Trixbox (Solved) 07.09.2011 17:49 Forum: Terminal Equipment

Ok, I have setup my Trixbox setup and I would like to try to use the SubPBX feature. I thought I had set it up like your supposed to but so far it won't work either way.

Setting up the trunk from Trixbox, it seems to register with PBXes but when you call, I get the message of "All Circuits are Busy Now" and doesn't complete.

From PBXes, I can see the call hitting my address but nothing on the trixbox indicating the call came in.

Please help.

UPDATE (9/12/2011)
I have figured this out so I am editing this post to reflect the settings in Trixbox for those who run into this issue. I imagine it would be the same for any Asterisk build that uses the FreePBX interface:

Under Trunks, set it up as SIP and I named mine PBXes

Under Outgoing Settings
Trunk Name: again just used the name PBXes

PEER Details
username=[name of SubPBX account name]
secret=[Password for SubPBX Account]
host=www2.pbxes.com (the www part, use Datacenter under Personal Data)
fromuser=[name of SubPBX account name]

Leave Incoming Settings blank.

Register String:
[SubPBX Account]:[Password]@[Datacenter (same as host)]/[SubPBX Account]

Thread: RE: Google Voice Peering

Replies: 206
Views: 1038724

RE: Google Voice Peering 22.08.2011 17:20 Forum: News

Originally posted by i-p-tel
Outgoing calls should be working again.

I just tried it this morning but still doesn't seem to be working.

Thread: RE: Google Voice Peering

Replies: 206
Views: 1038724

Achtung RE: Google Voice Peering 20.08.2011 01:35 Forum: News

Originally posted by natures
outgoing calls no longer work for me on GV, hear ringing but call is not connected at all.

I think this is happening to me today. Just subscribed as a SOHO for the year for this functionality. I try to call and it just rings but other side doesn't.

Showing posts 1 to 19 of 19 results

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