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Posted by voipmasters on 23.06.2008 at 12:07:

wütend Only noise on incoming audio

All calls from and to landline and between extensions is not working!

The calls are established, but only noise are audible.

The problem started on last week.

Could you verify the cause of this problem?

Kind Regards,

Posted by Diafora on 23.06.2008 at 12:30:

Let's concentrate on extension to extension calls first. Do the calls drop as soon as the other person picks up, or does the call stay active until both users hang-up?

What kind of SIP User Agents (IP phones, ATAs, soft-phones) are being used for each extension?

Posted by voipmasters on 23.06.2008 at 12:48:

The calls are not dropped.

If call to any extension, the call are answered for other side, but only noise are audible on both sides.

On my side a Cable Modem service called "Virtua" on Brazil, Rio de Janeiro.

On other side an ADSL service called "Velox" on Brazil, Rio de Janeiro.

If the call is from landline or mobile to pbxes, only noise are audible on extension. The audio for landline or mobile are received correctly.

On both extensions we are using Linksys WRTP54G.

Kind Regards,
Bruno Lima

Posted by Diafora on 23.06.2008 at 12:56:

Hey Bruno,

Thanks a lot for the information you provided concerning the broadband access for two of the endpoints.

For how long has this setup been working without any issues?

Posted by voipmasters on 23.06.2008 at 15:04:

More than six months

Kind regards,
Bruno Lima

Posted by Diafora on 23.06.2008 at 16:40:

On which extension would I be able to reach you in the next 2 hours?

Posted by voipmasters on 23.06.2008 at 19:21:


Posted by voipmasters on 23.06.2008 at 23:52:

I'm not speak english...
Can you add my MSN? brunojet@gmail.com

Posted by voipmasters on 24.06.2008 at 01:12:

I did some tests connecting directly to gizmo (line 2 of router) to check if the router hardware is ok. The call works fine on this configuration.

I'm waiting your contact on MSN (if possible) to help on this issue.

Kind Regards,
Bruno Lima

Posted by Diafora on 25.06.2008 at 07:54:

Can you try a few more test calls between extensions, and verify the issue is still there? If it is, then we will have to test a few more calls between two different extensions.

What times are you usually available?

Posted by voipmasters on 25.06.2008 at 12:42:

I'm available on home before 8 pm and after 20 pm GMT -3. I can't did the tests in my work. :-(

I will do these tests today at night.

Kind Regards,

Posted by voipmasters on 26.06.2008 at 00:16:

I did phone calls to landline and extension (701) and the problem persists.

The extensions with Linksys PAP2T, the problem not occurs.

All extensions with Linksys WRTP54G still with problem. :-(

Can you check if your system was changed on the last week?

The sip proxy server used by us is pbxes.org.

Kind regards,

Posted by Diafora on 26.06.2008 at 15:07:

Just to verify the issue, try using www4.pbxes.com as the SIP Proxy on the WRTP54G.

Posted by voipmasters on 27.06.2008 at 00:16:

I did tree tests with www4.pbxes.com sip proxy.

102 extension dialing to landline 0055213974xxxx --> noise

102 extension dialing to 701 extension --> Noise

102 extension dialing do 101 extension (SJPhone softphone on router internal network) --> OK

Kind Regards,
Bruno Lima

Posted by voipmasters on 27.06.2008 at 01:02:


I did some tests with new proxy.

- 101 extension (softphone on my computer) dialing to gizmo account (PAP2T) --> OK
- 101 extension (softphone on my computer) dialing to 201 extension (PAP2T) --> Ring on other side, but call drop after answer.
- 201 extension (PAP2T) dialing to 101 extension (softphone on my computer) --> OK
- 102 extension (WRTP54G) dialing to gizmo account (PAP2T) --> Noise

Kind Regards,
Bruno Lima

Posted by Diafora on 27.06.2008 at 07:52:

From what you wrote so far, it seems that extensions 101 (what kind of soft-phone?) and 102 (WRTP54G) are on the same network and work fine in both directions.

When extension 101 (soft-phone) dials 201 (PAP2T) the call rings but disconnects immediately after it is answered. This behavior is typical when there is a vocoder mismatch. Ensure the G.711 vocoder is selected first on the soft-phone, although it is strange the call completes properly in the reverse direction.

Regarding extension 102 (WRTP54G) do the calls complete when you call extension 201 (PAP2T) and vice versa? Is the PAP2T (ext. 201) on the same or on a different LAN from the 101 and 102 extensions?

Posted by voipmasters on 28.06.2008 at 02:28:

Follow our configuration:

Bruno Network (Virtua - Cable Modem):

101 PBXES --> softPhone, SJPhone --> OK

Dino Network (Velox - ADSL):

201 PBXES --> PAP2T PORT 1, PREF. CODEC G.729 --> OK

Murillo Network (Velox - ADSL)

Luiz Network (Virtua - Cable Modem):

The calls made between 102 and 201 extensions always completes.

The all extensions with WRTP54G always receive noise from PBXES on all calls (dialed and answered), but the audio sent by WRTP54G to other side are received correctly.

Kind Regards,
Bruno Lima

Posted by voipmasters on 30.06.2008 at 14:35:

Could you confirm if the software or configuration are updated on PBXES on last weeks?

I want to call Linksys technical support but to do so I need your software version. Are you running under Asterisk? If so, which version, else what is the server software?

Maybe exists some configuration on your system or new firmware for my router to solve this issue.

WRTP54G configuration: Router Firmware 3.24, Voice firmware 3.22.

Kind Regards,
Bruno Lima

Posted by voipmasters on 12.07.2008 at 15:52:

I installed in my home the PAP2T ATA and all connections works fine.

Did you have any news about WRTP54G router with pbxes?

King Regards,

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